
类别:恐怖片 年份:2017

主演:加利·艾尔维斯 德瑞·德·玛泰 多米尼克·谢尔伍德  导演:RickBieber 


更新:2022-04-14 19:29:26



Shawn and Zach are young lovers who move into a guest house together on an estate owned by Mr. and Mrs. Marino. When bizarre events begin to occur with increasingdanger| Zach slowly remembers a forgotten time in his childhood when he suffered from what appeared to be a severe and violent psychosis - memories erased by asseries of electroconvulsive shock treatments administered by his psychiatrist. As the terrors surrounding their lives grow to deadly proportions and innocent peopleare slaughtered| Zach is forced to question his own sanity and fears for Shawn"s safety. Once the threat of psychotic behavior turns into the possibility of demonicpossession| Zach is confronted with a horrific reality he never could before have imagined

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